

Greetings from OASCD!

We are the Oklahoma affiliate of the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD), an international, nonprofit, nonpartisan, organization that represents 125,000 educators from more than 135 countries and 56 affiliates. Our members represent educators who serve the profession in a variety of roles: teachers at all levels, counselors, instructional facilitators, administrators, pre-service educators, career technology educators and college professors. Whether your interests focus on best teaching practices, educational leadership, or professional development, we invite you to join us in addressing the important question: “What is best for students?”

The mission statement of OASCD is “Developing educational leaders to promote excellence in student learning.” Our focus is on the Whole Child initiative. Please take time to browse our home page for information about our upcoming conference, membership, contact information for OASCD board members, and links to valuable ASCD resources which can help you remain up-to-date on current issues and best practices in education. A network of like-minded professional educators is only a “click” away!

Best wishes!

Tracy Skinner
President, 2018-2020