Affiliate Appreciation Month

ASCD launches the first inaugural Affiliate Appreciation Month (AAM) on February 1, 2016. Throughout the month, we will be highlighting the work and support provided by you, our ASCD Affiliates, to educators locally. In order to spread the word about AAM, we have partnered with affiliates and with internal staff to highlight the extraordinary work you do.


In this message you will find resources to market AAM to your local educators including:

  • An Affiliate Appreciation Month logo for your website
  • ASCD membership discount for you to disseminate to potential members; we’ve included tips on how to leverage this discount (see attached).
  • Video messaging from Deb Delisle and Ronn Nozoe that invites potential affiliate members to join.
  • A special message from Deb and Ronn to affiliate leadership;  follow this link to view the videos in Dropbox (

Still to come for your use:

  • A half page ad in Educational Leadership Magazine
  • A blogging and social media campaign to promote ASCD Affiliate Appreciation Month.
  • ASCD messaging about Affiliate Appreciation Month that affiliates can rebroadcast to their members.

There will also be events going on throughout the month at headquarters and on the ASCD website. Here are a couple of the highlights:

  • An informational webinar led by affiliates to educate ASCD staff on affiliate work.
  • Blog posts authored by affiliate leaders that highlight the essential work that affiliates are conducting in their regions.
  • An open house at headquarters, at which ASCD affiliates in the region will participate alongside ASCD staff to visit, ask questions, and learn firsthand from affiliate leaders how ASCD and its affiliates work to together to accomplish their important work.

Throughout the month of February please include the hashtag #ASCDAffiliates in your communication. We created the hashtag to help promote the activities of our affiliates….let the world know what you’re doing locally!

A Leader-Liberating Growth Mindset

“By Walter McKenzie Recently, 200 outstanding educators came together in Washington, D.C., to take part in ASCD’s 8th annual Leader to Leader (L2L) conference. Attended by leaders of ASCD’s affiliates, connected communities, professional interest communities, student chapters, and Emerging Leaders program, the conference focused on growth mindset…..”

Click here for full article

Future Conferences and Speakers

OASCD is pleased to host some fabulous and renowned speakers for upcoming conferences.

SpeakerConference Date
SpeakerConference Date
Lori OczkuzNovember 6, 2014
Rick WormeliMarch 5, 2015
Cris TovaniNovember 3, 2015